Hiking paradise
In the calm, powerful movement of walking, it is easier to find yourself, feel your rhythm and enjoy the paradisiacal landscape. The carefully protected natural property is only gently touched by well-marked routes and hiking trails from cozy to demanding. And however you move, you are accompanied by the boundless feeling of freedom.
Hiking in the Hochpustertal
From the easy circular hike to themed trails and charming high-altitude trails and long-distance hiking trails to mountain tours and climbing routes in the front garden of the Dolomites - the Hochpustertal and the mountains of East Tyrol make the hearts of all mountain enthusiasts beat faster.
Enjoy diversity
East Tyrol is characterized by various climatic conditions and varied forms of landscape and terrain: the ice-armored, towering peaks rise above flat valley floors and wide meadows, wide, gentle alpine pastures are lined with rugged rock faces. Just like these primeval landscapes, the cultural landscape of the alpine pastures, which has grown over the centuries in harmony with nature, is an irreplaceable part of East Tyrol.
Walk to the Thurntaler Rast
Walk with a pram to the shepherd's hut
Summit hike to the Thurntaler summit
Circular hike around the Thurn Valley
Circular hike around the Thurntaler (Tyrolean jubilee path) from the mountain station via Alpeggele to the Astatt Sattel (path 7) - detour to the left to the Thurntaler See (2,324 m) and Thurntaler Jugendkreuz (path 4) and back - path 4 to the junction with path 10b - Follow this via Thurntaler Rast back to the mountain station (path 10b).
Walking time: about 5 hours
Valley hike to Sillian
Valley hike to Arnbach
Valley hike to Innervillgraten
Valley hike to Ausservillgraten
Long hike Bonner Höhenweg
Important tips
- Only fit into the mountains and not "fit through the mountains".
- No mountain hike without careful tour planning.
- Take the right equipment and nothing unnecessary with you for the planned tour.
- Appropriate footwear is essential! Off-road only with mountain shoes!
- Obtain information about the tour and weather conditions.
- Have a ten-minute rest every two hours.
- Drink and eat extensively during the tour.
- Never leave the marked path.
- In the event of danger or deteriorating weather, cancel the tour in good time.
- Emergency equipment (first aid box, mobile phone and flashlight) belongs in every backpack.
Good planning
There is a lot you can do for safety on a hike or mountain tour before you start: good planning is important. The selection of a route must always be based on the condition and mountain experience of the weakest member of a group. For mountain tours, be sure to inquire about the level of difficulty and the nature of the trail! If you want to be on the safe side, it is best to join a guided hiking group. In addition to the given safety, this has the advantage that the mountain hiking guides know a lot about the country and its people. In addition, hiking with a group of like-minded people is often even more fun.
Good equipment
The equipment must always be adapted to the conditions. A map as well as sun and rain protection belong in every backpack. The weather in the mountains can often change quickly and cause unpleasant surprises. Good shoes are a prerequisite anyway, and telescopic poles protect the knee joints when walking. Don't be reckless even on easy hikes and always take enough food and drink with you, especially when there are children. Don't forget: exercise in fresh mountain air makes you thirsty and arouses your appetite!